This year's annual convention begins tomorrow, July 15th, in Memphis, Tennessee. So, I decided to update my blog from four years ago, and repost it for my FWB's friends to think about.
For some of you, this is the first time you've ever heard of the NAFWB and may wonder who this group is. Here is a little background info:
-Free Will Baptists trace their American roots to the early 18th century in North Carolina and early 19th century in New England.
-In 1935, the National Association of Free Will Baptists was formed.
-The NAFWB is a denomiation of 2,600 churches with around 300,000 in membership in 40 plus states and several foreign countries.
-The denomination reflects an Arminian view of thelogy as opposed to Calvinism. In short, Arminians believe God has offered salvation to all and humanity can freely choose to accept or reject Christ versus the Calvinist view that God has chosen those who would be saved and cannot resist God's grace.
-The denominational headquarters are in Nashville, TN as well as the main denominational college.
-The denomination reflects a more conservative theology and politics, but is very diverse in its ministry approaches.
-The NAFWB hold a four day convention every year during the third week of July in a different city across the country. This year's is in Memphis, Tennessee.
I grew up in the Free Will Baptist denomination and was a member of it until 2000. I've pastored two Free Will Baptist churches, am a graduate of Free Will Baptist Bible College and for three years was on staff at the college. Although, I am not a member of the denomination any longer, I do find myself being interested in its functions and decisions. So, for my friends who are still Free Will Baptists, here are some of my thoughts and suggestions about the NAFWB:
1) Free Will Baptists are very good and kind people. I'm reminded of this when I worship at a FWB church, or attend a convention.
2) The denomination has a committed core, but a very uncommitted membership. There are a lot of pastors, churches and members in the denomination that do not support the denomiational departments and ministries which is limiting the growth and influence of the denomination. For example, I remember in college the statment being made in chapel that out of 2,600 FWB's church, only 800 gave a gift of ANY KIND to the denomination. I'd say that number is still accurate today.
3) The NAFWB needs to change its name. We are living in an increasingly theologically illiterate society and to emphasize a name where most people in America do not even know what the word "Protestant" means should cause Free Will Baptists to consider a shorter, more precise and less confusing name. The basic tenets of Free Will Baptist theology are "Free Will, Free Grace and Free Salvation," so why not consider a name like "The National Association of Free Baptists" (Free Baptists for short)? This shortens the name and emphasizes the main tenets of the denomination's theology and not just one point.
4) FWB's need to reconsider their stance on alcohol for church membership. While the denomination can make statements regarding the dangers of alcoholism and the social ills associated with it, and even require total abstinence for ordained ministers, it is unrealistic and unreasonable to demand people abstain from alcohol to be a member of the denomination. Having now lived in Maryland and Pennsylvania and attended three seminaries, I have come to learn that one can be a committed, evangelical Christian and partake of alcohol. To require total abstinence of alcohol for church membership for most people in the United States would be like asking a North Carolinian to give up sweet tea, and from the size of some of the FWB's pastors I see that's not a bad idea (funny, how drunkenness is always emphasized but gluttony gets overlooked). More importantly, a position requiring total abstinence for everyone is not biblical, no matter how you slice and dice the Scriptures.
5) The NAFWB needs to adopt a major educational plan. This week in Memphis, delegates to the convention will be voting on a proposal to change the name of Free Will Baptist Bible College to Welch College. While this long-overdue proposal is a step in the right direction, it is not enough. Welch College needs to become a Christian liberal arts university, with a graduate school and seminary operating under its auspices. By the way, I'm not the first to suggest this, and know that several FWB's leaders have expressed it - I'm just adding my support to the idea. To see how this move can dramatically increase the enrollment and influence of a college, check out the similar moves that Eastern University (of the American Baptist denomination) made in the 90's and Y2K.
6) The current leadership and board of the Home Missions Department needs to be replaced ASAP. This arm of the denomination is one of the reasons FWB's are not growing. There is not a clear vision of church planting, nor a competent understanding of how to accomplish it in the 21st century from the men entrusted to run this agency. While there are some home missionaries doing cutting-edge and pioneering work, Home Missions is not producing and preparing enough church planters to contribute to significant church growth to the denomination. For FWB's to continue to exist, the Home Missions Department needs a complete overhaul in philosophy and personnel.
7) Free Will Baptists need to continue to undersand there are a variety of ways to do ministry. Some churches are hymn singing, Southern Gospel churches where the pastors wear suits and ties, while others are rock music playing, hand clapping churches where the pastors wear goatees and flipflops. Which leads to my last observation...
8) A denomination can be united without having uniformity. What is interesting about Free Will Baptists is that in doctrine, they essentially all believe the same thing. They are not as theologically divided as Presbyterians, United Methodists or Episcopalians. In essence, Free Will Baptists agree on the basic tenets of the denomination's theology, but differ on practical areas of ministry. Emphasize the unity and throw out the idea that all churches have to be uniform. Enjoy the diversity of ministry options within the group and encourage one another as you attempt to reach the world for Christ.
From time to time, I am tempted to rejoin the NAFWB and maybe one day I will. While there are times I miss not being in a denomination, I do not miss some of the silliness that goes on between grown-ups who profess the same Lord. I guess that is one of the struggles all Christian have to face, whether they are Free Will Baptists or not.
Some good analysis. Here's my own intro to FWBs, as a former insider and present day outsider whose daughter attends FWBBC:
ReplyDeleteAlthough there has always been much fervor in the Home Missions department, there seems to me to have been a tendency to place missionaries who lack cultural sensitivity in places where cultural sensitivity should have been a priority. What might work in Rome, Georgia probably will not work in Princeton, New Jersey.
Denominational name change will always be problematic. Interestingly, a number of northern Freewill Baptists originally held the name Free Baptist. I suspect that it became Free Will Baptist to distinguish themselves from Free Baptists in Europe, the name of which indicates that they are Baptists free of the state religion. "Free Baptists" would be problematic still for various reasons.
Indeed, the most problematic denominational name of all is Southern Baptists. Apart from "Baptist," the name inaccurately reflects geography and, more problematic, its support of 19th century slavery. And it does not convey any theology. The new nomenclature for SBC is "Great Commission Baptists" which likewise conveys nothing theological, except for a commitment to evangelize and disciple. Why not rename it "Worshiping Baptists" or some such...?
It is interesting that here in Western Civilization, where the Christian church is on the decline, Baptist churches are being told that they must allow alcohol consumption in order to grow. Yet, in every continent where Christianity is expanding, Christians assert a strong condemnation of drinking, to the point of exclusion from membership.
Still, FWB churches are autonomous, and any FWB church is free to admit members who drink or not. Indeed, I know one FWB church which is toying (foolishly) with the notion of requiring communion wine to be alcoholic as part of its constitution.
While one cannot say that the Bible requires total abstinence from alcohol, given this mechanized age, and the much higher potency of alcohol in today's beverages, and the fact that only a drink or two can impair your judgment, and the high number of alcohol fatalities, it is wise to abstain altogether. Back in ancient days, you'd have to drink a whole lot before you were comparably impaired, and the worst thing that would happen on the drive home is that you'd fall off your camel.
Reading Sandy and James' postings saddens me. Stimulating conversation that fosters intellectual curiosity and integrity must be applauded and encouraged. There is a risk in allowing discussion beyond the status quo, yet it is an appropriate risk with the potential of great reward. Our loss is great when men like you no longer favor our slice of Christianity. Yet, the kingdom prospers and perhaps we might mature to the point of learning from those on the outside peering in.
ReplyDeletePraise God for our Home Missions Staff. I hope that articles like this prompt me to pray for them even more fervently. What a blessing it has been to go to our meetings and see the tears and compassion in their eyes as they not only talk about reaching North America, but have also walked the walked. Praise God for the FWB Churches that are also training and sending out HM from their own FWB Churches...Logan Wolf, Utah, Daniel Mann, Chicago and others.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading and replying, gentlemen. For some reason, I'm not being allowed to respond individually to your comments, so let me to do so here.
ReplyDeleteConsidering the topic of alcohol, let me say that I do not agree that we allow it in order to grow churches. My point is that it was never something condemened in Scripture, nor should it be today. To demand the total abstinence of alcohol is a feature of fundamentalist, American Christianity and not one of historic, biblical Christian teaching. Adding it as a prerequisite for church membership, in my opinion, is not only correct, but unnecessary.
Daryl, I do not doubt that the current leadership of Home Missions cares about reaching people for Christ. However, I believe they have demonstrated over the past several years to want a certain kind of church, and only give support to a certain kind of church planter. James' comment is a good summary of the problem with the Home Missions leadership.
Pastor Ellis, I can't speak for James, but I did not necessarily leave FWB's out of frustration, but had better ministry opportunities outside of the denomination. However, because the denomination has a big place in my heart and personal history, I still care about it, and pray that it will thrive.
The reality is that most of my ministerial years have been in areas outside the typical FWB geography. In 2002 I applied for a position in FWB international ministries, but was unable to progress since there were no local FWB churches close enough to join in membership. Now, after receiving my PhD (Cambridge) in textual criticism, there really is little opportunity for me in FWB circles, but I'm glad to fellowship with FWBs and I frequently do pulpit supply.
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly agree with #6 -- Home Missions does need completely overhauled from the leadership to the board. Actually, I would like to see the National "Home" Missions department ABOLISHED and North American Missions done as a region with a regional director under the auspices of International Missions. This I believe would place the emphasis on church planting in frontier areas and in cross- & multi-cultural areas rather than simply attempting to offset our dwindling numbers of churches by starting new works in areas that are FWB strongholds. IM would provide better vision, strategy, and training than Home Missions has. Then with the savings in staff and space and money by merging Home Missions with International Missions, then the denomination could start a Department of Church Revitalization to really focus on doing something about our dwindling numbers and strengthening the denominational base. (I know, I know I've said this before...)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post, Sandy. As a former "Free Willy" myself, I still have many dear friends throughout the denomination in which I was raised. I have enjoyed connecting on Facebook with many old friends from FWBBC. I also had the pleasure of visiting the convention in Charleston with my Mom and Dad a few years ago. My prayers are always that God will bless each of us in our various aspects of Christian ministry. "Where there is agreement let there be unity. Where we may sometimes disagree, may there be charity". Grace is the key.
ReplyDeleteAre you not aware that Southern Baptists and a number of other denominations forbid members to drink alcohol. I support their stand on this matter. In an extensive search of Scriptures regarding alcohol, the only reason I found to partake of alcohol is for medicinal purposes.