Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"It's All Relative"

This coming Sunday, July 22nd, I'm beginning a six-week series on the prevailing philosophy of our time, Relativism. The series, It's All Relative: Challenges to Truth, will examine Relativism and five common statements that come out of it that challenge the biblical Christian view of absolute truth.

At risk of sounding melodramatic, this may be the most important series I've preached to date. Relativisim not only challenges core beliefs of the Christian faith, but is also responsible for, and reflective of, the lazy approach of most people in our country towards faith, morality, and the search for truth. One could say that Relativism was "made in the U.S.A.," which is ironic (and disturbing), because to many, the United States is considered, or at least was, a "Christian nation."    

I hope this series is embraced by my church, and listened to by many online. However, I'm fearful that some will look at it as a just a series of lectures on philosophy and not grasp the importance of understanding this topic. Therefore, please understand, if you are a Christian who believes in absolute truth, you are in the minority. Also, if you are a parent and are planning on sending (or already sent) your child to a non-Christian college, you should know that this will be the dominant worldview they will be exposed to. 

So, what do you tell your child when they come home and say "truth is determined by each individual"? How will you respond to your co-worker who says, "all religions basically teach the same thing"? What will your answer be to that person you just shared the Gospel with who swats away your impassioned presentation with "what's true for you isn't true for me"? Hopefully, the next six-weeks will give you a better understanding of the challenges we are facing from Relativism, and equip you with responses to statements like, "it doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you sincerely believe." Yeah, that one makes my eyes roll too!  

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